Estrella Arenas (Icíar Bollaín), a rural Spanish teenager with a rich imagination, dreams of her mysterious father Agustín (Omero Antonutti), a man who in recent years has drifted away from her. Estrella struggles to piece together Agustín's secret history and recalls her family's sudden unexplained move from Seville, Spain, to the northern countryside in her youth. Estrella decides to return alone to the South, a place warped by years of her father's hazy and nostalgic recollections.
Exquisitely beautiful and profoundly moving, with superb performances and an evocative soundtrack, El Sur is regarded as one of the greatest films in Spanish cinema history.
Directed by Victor Erice (The Spirit of the Beehive).
Presented in both High Definition and Standard Definition
Haunted Memory: The Cinema of Victor Erice(Adrian Martin, Cristina, Álvarez López, 2016, 13 mins): a video essay celebrating the great Spanish director
Victor Erice interviewed by Geoff Andrew (2003, 83 mins, audio only)
Theatrical re-release trailer
Fully illustrated booklet featuring essays by Geoff Andrew and Mar Diestro-Dópido and full film credits