Newly restored version of Roberto Rossellini’s closing part of his celebrated War Trilogy. Amidst the ruins of Berlin in the immediate post-war years a young boy, Edmund, attempts to support his family - his ailing father and unregistered brother unable to provide for them. Left to his own devices, Edmund wanders around the devastated city, getting caught up in black market schemes and falling prey to the pernicious influence of a Nazi-sympathising former teacher with tragic consequences.
This devastating portrait of an obliterated post-war Europe is a damning indictment of war and fascism and remains one of the most affecting films in the history of cinema.
This new DVD edition also includes L’Amore (1948), Rossellini’s two-part anthology film which proved hugely controversial on its original release. The first part was co-scripted by Rossellini and Federico Fellini and stars Fellini as “Saint Joseph” , who villainously impregnates “Nanni” (Anna Magnani), a disturbed peasant who believes herself to be the Virgin Mary. The second part is based on Jean Cocteau’s play La Voix Humaine.
Special features: • Newly restored presentations of Germany Year Zero and L’Amore • L’Amore (Roberto Rossellini, 1948, 70 mins): anthology film with sections written by Jean Cocteau and Federico Fellini, and starring Anna Magnani • Illustrated booklet with film notes and complete credits