Struggling Nada (Roddy Piper) arrives in Los Angeles, finds work on a construction site and a bed in a homeless camp. He notices the extent to which the people around him seem obsessed with television and amassing material wealth, and one night, when he stumbles across a cache of special sunglasses, he finds out why.
American society has been taken over by capitalist aliens who use television and advertising to keep humans docile, distracted and ignorant of their own exploitation. The sunglasses reveal the aliens as they really are and, with the aid of a submachine gun, Nada begins to fight back.
A funny, biting, unsettling satire of capitalism and its malign cultural apparatus, the film's memorable use of bold, monochromatic graphics has (somewhat ironically) had an enduring influence on commercial art and advertising.
This premium edition includes both 4k Ultra HD Blu-ray and standard Blu-ray versions of the film. Please note that in order to enjoy the 4k Ultra HD version in its intended quality, you will need to watch it on a 4k television or monitor.