A seasoned detective investigates a series of child murders, succumbing to an all-consuming and tragic obsession with the case, finding empty solace in his quest for vengeance. What emerges is not a crime story, but a harrowing venture through the darkness of the human soul.
Twilight (Szürkület) unfolds with breathtaking cinematography and haunting sound design, allowing the mystery to emerge in tantalisingly atmospheric and meditative fashion.
Based on writings by Swiss author Friedrich Dürrenmatt - also the basis for Sean Penn’s impressive 2001 film The Pledge starring Jack Nicholson - György Fehér’s hypnotic, transcendent adaptation is a unique and haunting experience.
Second Run presents this legendary, long unseen film for its world premiere on Blu-ray in a stunning new 4K restoration.
Twilight (Szürkület, 1990) presented from the new 4K restoration by the National Film Institute Hungary - Film Archive, supervised and approved by cinematographer Miklós Gurbán.
A series of exclusive newly filmed appreciations by filmmakers the Quay Brothers, Peter Strickland, James Norton and critic Chris Fujiwara.
Newly filmed interviews with Twilight editor Mária Czeilk and cinematographer Miklós Gurbán.
Booklet featuring an expansive new essay by filmmaker and curator Stanley Schtinter.